Saturday, 16 May 2009

Its a new Dawn its a new day...


Well this is all new and exciting isn't it! Ive been writing my myspace blog for ages and looking back at it it seems that I only update it when Im bored, depressed or hungover (usually all three). Whilst I no doubt will still be writing about my dangerous drunken escapades I thought it would be nice to have a diary (as this is really) that showed me in a more positive light.
eg...less like this

and more like this - well groomed and demure as opposed to whorish and drunk :)

We shall see if I manage it.
So what's going on at the moment? Well Im getting married next year for starters so probably over the coming months I'll be talking about that and the trials and tribulations that will no doubt occur.
Anyway for now Im off I'll catch you later.
Love 'a brand New Dawn' xxx

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