Thursday, 1 April 2010

On a river of red red wine :)

Evening all :)

Its been a while since I have rambled a bit on here so I thought Id pop in!

Its fair to say Ive been a little bit stressed of late and have not been administering my life as I should be. Im thinking now the clocks have gone forward and the days are longer perhaps this is an incentive to get a grip!

Today I arrived at work one hour late as I had forgotten it was thursday. (I go to college on thursday and therefore work different hours) Instead of my law books, I had thoughtfully chosen to bring my ice skates with me. Now as impressive as my skating is I don't think its quite what my lecturer had in mind for todays lesson...saying that he would have been better off with my attempts at backwards crossovers than he was with my opinion on public interest out of 5 very dare he!

So yes today was a bit of a mess think I may have to spring clean my house catch up with my homework, work out my ten year career plan, organise the wedding and generally regain control of the plot...

yes...Ill do that after I have finished with this wine and galaxy chocolate...Who wants an organised life anyway, its nowhere near as fun :)

so I leave you with the wisdom of the cat empire :)

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